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Right up front I want you to know that today’s post constitutes something of a “commercial” – and I want you to know that it is not now, nor has it ever been my intention to “make merchandise of you” (2 Peter 2:3). If you do not have a listen, like, buy or share what I am sharing with you today – that’s fine.
It has never been my purpose or desire to self-promote or to self-aggrandize. In fact, I never intended to start this site in the first place… I was told to. In like manner, I have been laboring quietly this past year producing a small recording project; an EP called “An Audience of One”.
Those who do not know me could not know that I am a musician. For more than 30 years I have loved, played and emulated various forms of music that resonate with me. As a young man – like many young men in my day – I had aspirations of being a professional musician… you know the old trope; “We all just want to be big rock stars…”. Yeah, that was me – but God had other plans and, honestly I had walked away from such notions for more than twenty years.
It wouldn’t be until pursuing membership in my present congregation that anything resembling that old dream would return. I was invited by my small-group leadership to lead worship during our weekly prayer gatherings and, when I did, I was reminded how much I missed simply playing and singing to and for the Lord.
Over time, the Lord began to put new songs in my heart. What I present to you today are four songs that the Lord downloaded to me. They represent a significant divergence from anything I’ve written in the past, or could write in my own ability and strength. That isn’t to say that they’re perfect or that everyone will love them – I’m not that naive; they are, however, not written wholly by myself, but at the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit.
So with all of that qualification out of the way, I would like to present you with An Audience of One.
Until next time,
שלום עליכם – Shalom Aleichem – Peace Be Upon You